
  • Add water into the steam pot ( don’t overfill with water ), then place Bao in
  • High heat for 15 to 20 mins till the inside of bao is reheated over 135*F
  • Take bao out, cool it down a little bit then enjoy!

Bake ***Don’t use frozen Bao, thaw it first***

  • Preheat oven to 425*F, spray oil to cover the entire Bao.
  • Heat for 5 mins
  • Take bao out, cool it down a little bit then enjoy!

Microwave ***Best results with thawed bao ***

  • Wrap Bao with a damp paper towel.
  • Place Bao in a microwavable container and heat for 1 to 2 minutes.
  • Let’s stand for 1 minute before carefully removing it from the microwave. Enjoy!